The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE) hereby reminds all institutions with expired or expiring accreditation to pay their annual accreditation renewal fee. Failure to do so will result in their removal from the list of accredited institutions without further notice. We would like to stress the importance of maintaining accreditation, as it is a vital component of quality assurance in higher education. Accreditation provides a measure of quality assurance to students, parents, and employers, and is an important factor in the recognition and acceptance of academic degrees and credentials. Institutions with expired or expiring accreditation who have not yet paid their annual accreditation renewal fee are urged to do so as soon as possible to avoid being removed from the list of accredited institutions. Additionally, institutions that are late in paying their renewal fee may need to reapply for accreditation. We understand that some institutions may face challenges in paying their renewal fee on time, and we are willing to work with them to find a solution. However, we cannot compromise on the standards of quality assurance that accreditation provides. We request that all institutions remove any statements concerning their accreditation from their website if their accreditation has expired, to reflect the fact of the accreditation expiration. QAHE is committed to promoting and maintaining the highest standards of quality assurance in pre-tertiary and higher education. We encourage all institutions to renew their accreditation and remain committed to the pursuit of excellence in education. For further information, please contact the QAHE Accreditation Office at