Purpose Zeal Academy Achieves ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 29990:2010 Certifications with QAHE Support

Nov 28, 2023

We are delighted to announce that Purpose Zeal Academy has successfully achieved two prestigious certifications, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 29990:2010 awarded by AQS, UK, with the valuable support and guidance provided by QAHE. These certifications underscore the academy's dedication to delivering quality education and its commitment to meeting internationally recognized standards.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification:
Purpose Zeal Academy has attained ISO 9001:2015 certification, as evidenced by Certificate Number 0909086. This accomplishment highlights the academy's implementation of a robust quality management system, ensuring consistent delivery of high-quality education and services. To verify the ISO 9001:2015 certification, please visit the AQS online verification portal.

ISO 29990:2010 Certification:
Purpose Zeal Academy has also obtained ISO 29990:2010 certification, denoted by Certificate Number 0909087. This certification specifically focuses on the provision of effective and efficient non-formal education and training. It further demonstrates the academy's commitment to delivering exceptional learning experiences. To verify the ISO 29990:2010 certification, please visit the AQS online verification portal.

These significant achievements were made possible through the collaborative efforts of Purpose Zeal Academy and QAHE. We provided guidance, expertise, and support throughout the certification process, ensuring that the academy met the stringent requirements and standards set by the ISO.

Purpose Zeal Academy's successful attainment of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 29990:2010 certifications reinforce its position as an institution committed to excellence and continuous improvement. These certifications demonstrate the academy's dedication to providing top-notch education and training services, and they offer assurance to students, parents, and stakeholders that they have chosen a reputable institution. For more information about Purpose Zeal Academy and its programs, please visit its institutional profile.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Purpose Zeal Academy for their remarkable achievement, and we commend their team for their unwavering commitment to delivering outstanding education. We are proud to have been a part of this journey and look forward to continuing our support in their pursuit of educational excellence.

We encourage all accredited institutions to follow the inspiring example set by Purpose Zeal Academy and consider obtaining these additional certifications, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 29990:2010. These certifications provide numerous benefits, including the establishment of robust quality management systems, adherence to internationally recognized standards, and enhanced credibility and reputation. By pursuing these certifications, institutions can demonstrate their commitment to excellence, continuous improvement, and the delivery of outstanding education and training.

As a leading authority in quality assurance, QAHE stands ready to support accredited institutions in their certification journey. Our team of experts can provide guidance, resources, and assistance to ensure a smooth and successful certification process. Together, we can further elevate the standards of education and training, and strengthen the global recognition of accredited institutions.

For more information on how to pursue ISO certifications or to explore other accreditation and certification opportunities, please contact us at accreditation@qahe.org.uk. Let us work together towards achieving excellence in education and making a positive impact on the lives of students worldwide.