Georgia Theological University (UTG) is now fully accredited by QAHE

Jun 14, 2023

  We are excited to announce that Georgia Theological University (UTG)  is now fully accredited by International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE). Georgia Theological University (UTG) is a legally constituted and accredited institution by the state and federal laws of the United States of America for the formation of ecclesiastical ministers in the Body of Christ. The university offers studies in Chaplaincy, Leadership, Christian Counseling and Higher Theological and Religious Studies. These studies are recognized by accredited universities of the same, ministerial institutions, ecclesiastical councils, and denominational churches. UTG has experienced ministers, teachers, and pastors who are academically prepared professionals in these studies. The university provides a stimulating environment that encourages the training of new ministers of tomorrow with various elements to efficiently carry out the essential work of the church. As a member of the community, UTG is dedicated to mutual aid and the establishment of the Kingdom of God. The university offers an exceptional opportunity for students and graduates to be prepared academically, professionally, and spiritually to serve God in the professions to which they have been called. The academic programs at UTG are extensive and in constant development. The university is dedicated to preparing students to understand the sacred scriptures and find their purpose in life. The programs range from courses and ordination in International Chaplaincy, diplomas in Christian Counseling, Bachelor's Degree in Christian Counseling, Master's in Christian Counseling, and Doctorate in Christian Counseling. In the theological area, UTG offers a Biblical Institute, Associate in Biblical Arts, Bachelor of Theology, Master of Ministry, and Doctorate in Ministry. All these studies are vocational, and the university aims for its graduates to be responsible, educated citizens with democratic and Christian values. The graduates are aware of their social and environmental obligation, so they can perform competently and exercise leadership in the occupational or professional context. UTG seeks to maximize the educational potential of students in a Christ-centered environment. The purpose of Georgia Theological University is for the student to acquire knowledge, wisdom, and revelation in the Holy Scriptures to grow in Christ, do the work of an evangelist, and build the church through the ministry that God has placed in their hands. UTG presents a program designed so that the student obtains the necessary tools to minister in the Spanish-speaking area, representing as an ambassador of the Kingdom of Christ.