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Implementing the Student-Centric Method (by European Academy of Education)

The student-centric method, which aims to improve the quality of education by adapting the school system to meet the needs of students, is increasingly discussed in the education field today. This approach puts the student at the core of the education process and strives to support them in all dimensions. But what does this mean in practice and how does this method intertwine with cognitive processes?

The student-centric method implies that the student is at the very heart of the educational process. This approach takes into account the individual needs of each student and strives to provide them with the best possible education. One of the main benefits of this approach is that it actively involves the student in the learning process, enabling them to better understand and apply the newly acquired knowledge.

In the context of a student-centric approach, the focus on the student's cognitive processes is key. Cognitive processes are the mental operations that occur in our brains, enabling us to process information, learn, memorize, and solve problems. These processes are critical for successful education, and the student-centric method emphasizes supporting and developing these processes.

Relationship with Education, Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Didactics

The student-centric approach stems from modern theories in education and pedagogy. These theories focus on how students learn best, which methods can enhance their learning, and what the most effective ways of teaching are. Andragogy, on the other hand, focuses on adult education and provides guidance on how to adjust education to the needs of adult learners.

Didactics concentrates on creating lesson plans and teaching methods to make them as effective as possible for students. Within the student-centric approach, it's important that these didactic methods are tailored to the needs of the student and are as interactive as possible to engage the student in the learning process.

In practice, the student-centric method means that teaching is highly personalized, allowing students to learn at their own pace and in accordance with their individual needs. This could involve the use of various teaching methods, such as project-based and interactive methods, and the utilization of modern technologies. Student-centric also emphasizes collaboration and communication between students and teachers. This means that teachers should be able to provide students with feedback on their work and support their development. Students also have the opportunity to work in groups and share their ideas and thoughts with others.

The student-centric approach is a modern and effective way of teaching, which is demonstrated in practice through personalized education, the use of modern technologies, and the support of collaboration between students and teachers. For education professionals, it's important to understand how the student-centric method relates to the cognitive processes of a student and what the most effective methods are for supporting these processes. The use of this approach can enhance the quality of education and help students achieve better results.

Author: Pavel Bartoš, LL.M., DBA