Anawratha Business and Language School Awarded QAHE Candidacy Accreditation

Jun 11, 2024

Anawratha Business and Language School, a leading provider of business, language, and professional education in Myanmar, has been awarded Candidacy Accreditation by the International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) organization.

Candidacy Accreditation is the first step in QAHE's rigorous accreditation process, signifying that Anawratha has demonstrated its commitment to meeting QAHE's high standards for educational quality and institutional effectiveness.

As a QAHE Candidate institution, Anawratha will now work closely with QAHE's accreditation team over the next several years to implement policies, processes, and practices that align with QAHE's Accreditation Standards. This includes areas such as institutional governance, teaching and learning, faculty qualifications, student achievement, and infrastructure.

Once Anawratha has successfully completed the Candidacy phase, the school will be eligible to apply for Full Accreditation from QAHE. Full Accreditation signifies that an institution has demonstrated it meets or exceeds QAHE's quality benchmarks across all areas of operations.

For more information about Anawratha's QAHE accreditation status, please visit the school's website at