The Academic Board has evaluated the candidates' credentials, analyzed and examined its academic programs as well as its accreditation standards. California University FCE recognized International Association for Quality in Higher Education (QAHE). QAHE is registered and recognized as an international accrediting agency. All of the graduates of its members institutions shall be recognized by California University FCE and be awarded the equivalent degrees of the Regionally accrediyted universities in the United States of America. Whereas, the United Nations NGO Branch, a CHEA Member under UNESCO has now recognized California University FCE as an Evaluator with ID#459C246; Whereas Educase I.D. #198820 is granted to California University FCE for being a state of California Government Approved Section 23801(d), U.S. Federal Government Approved Section 509(a)(1), Tax-Exempt Higher Education Organization; Whereas, California University FCE is commissioned to evaluate the curricula of some colleges and Universities that apply for regional and national accreditation in the United States of America and Most of these institution applicants were granted regional and national accreditation; Now therefore, the Academic Board has granted the International Association for Quality Assurance In Higher Education this recognition. Therefore, if you need a evaluation report for the California University FCE, please contact us with your tracript copy at